Hospital Profile -

Provider Information

135 HIGHWAY 402 Hospital Control Nonprofit - Church
NAPOLEONVILLE , LA 70390 Hospital Type General Short Term
Medicare Utilization Full Util
Hospital Location is Rural
Cost Report 761067 8/2/2023 for 33 Days Cost Report Status is Submitted Total Cost Report Beds 15
Cost Report 756821 6/30/2023 for 365 Days Cost Report Status is Submitted Total POS Beds 0

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Financial KPI's Operating KPI's
Current Ratio 5.2 Patient Occupancy Percent 0.1%
Days to Collect in AR 34.4 Days Avg Length of Stay (LOS) 4.0 Days
Avg AP Payment Days 15.3 Days Medicare LOS 0.0 Days
Days of Cash in Bank 483.8 Days Employee Avg Hourly Wages $0.00

Financial Statements - Worksheet G

Balance Sheet Income Statement
Current Assets $15,346,011 Total Charges $14,518,637
Fixed Assets $2,222,195 Contract Allowance $2,808,354; 19.3%
Other Assets $7,812,712 Operating Revenue $11,710,283 80.7%
Total Assets $25,380,918 Operating Expenses $8,881,643 75.8%
Current Liabilities $2,950,559 Operating Margin $2,828,640 24.2%
Long Term Liabilities $0 Other Income $777,528 6.6%
Total Equity $22,430,359 Other Expense $0 0.0%
Total Liabilities and Equity $25,380,918 Net Profit or Loss $3,606,168 30.8%

Cost to Charge - Worksheet B and C

Line Account Cost Charges Ratio
30 Adults and Pediatrics - General Routine Care $512,167 $3,798 134.8518
31 Intensive Care Unit $0 $0
32 Coronary Care Unit $0 $0
43 Nursery $0 $0
44 Skilled Nursing Care $0 $0
50 Operating Room $0 $0
51 Recovery Room $0 $0
52 Labor and Delivery Room $0 $0

General Service Cost - Worksheet A

Lines Description Amount Lines Description Amount
01 Capital Related - Building and Fixtures $28,795 13 Nursing Administration $147,876
02,03 Captial Related - Movable Equipment $374,156 14 Central Services and Supply $0
04 Employee Benefits $775,242 15 Pharmacy $0
05 Administrative and General $2,272,644 16 Medical Records and Medical Library $0
06 Maintenance and Repairs $0 17 Social Services $0
07 Operation of Plant $1,140,084 18 Other General Service Expense $0
08,09 Laundry, Linen and Housekeeping $104,116 19 Non Physician Anesthetist $0
10,11 Dietary and Cafeteria ($1,329) 20,21,22,23 Education Programs $0
Total General Service Cost Centers $4,841,584

Provider Information

135 HIGHWAY 402 Hospital Control Nonprofit - Church
NAPOLEONVILLE , LA 70390 Hospital Type General Short Term
Medicare Utilization Full Util
Hospital Location is Rural
Cost Report 761067 8/2/2023 for 33 Days Cost Report Status is Submitted Total Cost Report Beds 0
Cost Report 756821 6/30/2023 for 365 Days Cost Report Status is Submitted Total POS Beds 0

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Financial KPI's Operating KPI's
Current Ratio 5.1 Patient Occupancy Percent 0.0%
Days to Collect in AR 427.5 Days Avg Length of Stay (LOS) 0.0 Days
Avg AP Payment Days 190.5 Days Medicare LOS 0.0 Days
Days of Cash in Bank 5,388.3 Days Employee Avg Hourly Wages $0.00

Financial Statements - Worksheet G

Balance Sheet Income Statement
Current Assets $15,530,002 Total Charges $1,132,247
Fixed Assets $2,242,017 Contract Allowance $219,913; 19.4%
Other Assets $7,523,278 Operating Revenue $912,334 80.6%
Total Assets $25,295,297 Operating Expenses $799,350 87.6%
Current Liabilities $3,062,247 Operating Margin $112,984 12.4%
Long Term Liabilities $0 Other Income $25,335 2.8%
Total Equity $22,233,050 Other Expense $0 0.0%
Total Liabilities and Equity $25,295,297 Net Profit or Loss $138,319 15.2%

Cost to Charge - Worksheet B and C

Line Account Cost Charges Ratio
30 Adults and Pediatrics - General Routine Care $0 $0
31 Intensive Care Unit $0 $0
32 Coronary Care Unit $0 $0
43 Nursery $0 $0
44 Skilled Nursing Care $0 $0
50 Operating Room $0 $0
51 Recovery Room $0 $0
52 Labor and Delivery Room $0 $0

General Service Cost - Worksheet A

Lines Description Amount Lines Description Amount
01 Capital Related - Building and Fixtures $2,817 13 Nursing Administration $0
02,03 Captial Related - Movable Equipment $27,983 14 Central Services and Supply $0
04 Employee Benefits $65,464 15 Pharmacy $0
05 Administrative and General $227,412 16 Medical Records and Medical Library $0
06 Maintenance and Repairs $40 17 Social Services $0
07 Operation of Plant $117,557 18 Other General Service Expense $0
08,09 Laundry, Linen and Housekeeping $12,895 19 Non Physician Anesthetist $0
10,11 Dietary and Cafeteria $0 20,21,22,23 Education Programs $0
Total General Service Cost Centers $454,168

Hospital Profile -