Georgia Reports

Georgia population is 10,799,566 (2021 Est.) with a net change of 11.5% increase since the 2010 census. Total counties are 159. Capital is Atlanta. Total area is 59,425 sq. miles and 57,513 sq. miles of land. Population density is 188 persons per square mile. Racial distribution is 59.4% white, 33.0% black, 4.6% Asian and 3.0% other. Hispanic ethnicity is 10.2%

Georgia Providers - Profile Reports

Please select a provider year to see the report.

Georgia Providers - KPI Group Reports - 5 Year Compare

Please select a provider year to see the report.

Report Providers
Revenue KPIs Group Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice
Discharges KPI Group Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice
Salary Expense KPI Group Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice

Georgia Providers - 5 Year Compare Reports

Please select a provider year to see the report.

Report Providers
Charges Hospital SNF HHA ESRD
Revenue Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice
Profit Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice
Discharges Hospital SNF Hospice
Employees Hospital SNF HHA ESRD Hospice
Beds Hospital SNF Hospice